The elusive angle chase by Challenge Machinery is legendary among letterpress printers. It allows for a printing form to be rotated to any angle in the bed of a press!
Since they are impossible to find, we decided to make one. After making a few prototypes, a final design was arrived at Using a dense-fill 3-D printing that features a strong structure and allows for all of the functionality of the original plus a few added features:
• Open areas in side curve space to add additional type or ornaments
• Curved corners with notch alignment marks at every 15 degrees for alignment
• 35 Pica center area. Overall dimensions: 60 Pica x 60 Pica
• 8 pieces in each set (4 corners, 4 curved sides)
STANDARD ANGLE CHASE vailable in 3 options:
1) Regular - as described above.
2) Seconds - In the process of refining the design, we have a few odd sets that are functional but not quite cosmetically how we pictured them for final presentation—or mismatched colors—or ink from testing. Anyway, we are offering the "seconds" for half price.
3) Deluxe Set Box - As if this wasn't time consuming enough, This special strictly limited edition deluxe boxed set includes an 8 piece set of angled furniture (with angle degree designations laser etched) made from hand-finished MDF, a P22 Type Gauge Multi-tool, and a label on the front of the box that uses both the chase and the angle furniture. A bonus print on the back also uses the chase and is signed and numbered (only 50 copies of this will ever be made because it takes an awful long time to put together and I have other things to do!)
3.1) Deluxe Set Box Seconds - angle furniture may have had some mishaps with the laser etching. the angles are OK, just look a bit wonky
Due to popular demand, two additional size options have been developed:
• Suitable for platen press use!
• 18.5 Pica center area. Overall dimensions: 35 Pica x 35 Pica
• 6 pieces in this set (4 corners, 2 angled side segments)
• For use with larger Vandercook or showcard presses
• 60 Pica center area. Overall dimensions: 95 Pica x 95 Pica
6), 7), & 8) STL Files!
Due to additional requests, we are now offering the stl files to be printed on your own. The license purchase for the .stl is for your own studio use. You may print as many as you like for your own use, however: These files are not Open Source and are not to be shared, sold, or otherwise given to another party. Resulting 3-D objects printed are for your own use and not to be resold.
The Angle Chase pieces are 3-D Printed and hand finished. Each set takes over 40 hours of printing time.